What does this charity do?
This is a pre and post operative residential home for orphaned babies undergoing surgery at Shanghai H C M C. Many of these babies have been given up by their parents as they require surgery in order for them to live normal lives. For instance, this may mean repairing a hole in a child’s heart or a hare lip, or correcting gastric or skeletal malformations. Once they have surgery they can live full lives again.
What extra can you do to help them?
( Information to come)
What did they do with their donation from Brits Abroad?
Brits Abroad raised RMB 16,497 from an Ascot Lunch Event in June 2017. This money has been given to Shanghai Baby Home to help them carry out more operations on babies which will help them live normal lives. In some cases this will result in adoption.
What will this donation achieve?
A baby will be able to live a full life and have the chance to be part of a family again.
How can you contact this charity
You can contact this charity through the English speaking contact: Daisy Zhang, Email: daisyzh1@sina.com, Tel: 18017913529
Stepping Stones is a Hong Kong registered charity which works with expatriate and local volunteers to teach English in migrant schools and community centres in Shanghai and now in Anhui. They have taught 2,800 students in a total of 11 schools, focusing on students in grades 4 and 5. By learning English, these children improve their future chances of getting better educational opportunities and better paid employment.
What are they doing with the 2016 donation from Brits Abroad?
Gansu Project: the Brits Abroad donation of RMB 15,840 will cover the costs of sending 2 Stepping Stones volunteer teachers to Gansu province to teach English to female university students for two weeks in summer 2016. Stepping Stones will carry this out in partnership with Educating Girls in Rural China which already supports many women in getting a high school and university education in rural China.
Education Girls in Rural China supports the university education of young women in rural China. It has found these women do not succeed as well as their urban counterparts, mainly due to their poor level of English. This Stepping Stones project will highlight the importance and value of learning English which, in turn, will improve the students’ work and life opportunities within China.
You can volunteer as a teacher if you can speak English well and are committed to the Stepping Stones mission of helping children in migrant schools improve their English
Stepping Stones is a Hong Kong charity with an office in Shanghai. Main contact: Corinne Hua director@steppingstoneschina.net
Shanghai Sunrise raises funds for high school, university and college scholarships for students from poor, working families in the Shanghai area. Established in 1995, it is a non-profit volunteer-led organisation under the auspices of the Shanghai Charity Foundation.
Its mission is to equip disadvantaged students through education to: lift themselves out of poverty, achieve fulfilling careers and be inspired to give back to the community.
What are they doing with the 2017 donation from Brits Abroad?
The Brits Abroad donation of RMB 15,000 includes RMB 3,000 to fund one school student and RMB 12,000 to fund two university students for the 2017/18 academic year.
It will enable three students to complete a year of education. Brits Abroad has funded several places each year, with some of the students progressing to university.
You can offer to support a student by contributing to their annual Chinese public school fees or by volunteering http://www.shanghaisunrise.com/get-involved/volunteer-with-us
How can you contact this charity?
Holli Mallak : executivedirector@shanghai sunrise.com ttp://www.shanghaisunrise.com/
Heart to Heart Shanghai is a Shanghai-based non-profit community outreach organisation composed of 100% volunteers who provide support and financial assistance to indigent Chinese children who require heart surgery. Heart to Heart Shanghai also provides financial assistance to rural Chinese schools which require libraries and other essentials.
Volunteers are needed by Heart to Heart Shanghai to participate in children's play activities at the Shanghai Yodak Cardio-Thoracic Hospital, knit outfits for heart bears, sort donated goods, and other activities.
What did the Brits Abroad donation achieve?
Brits Abroad's RMB 20,000 donation enabled a rural school library to be set up in Henan. The second donation of RMB 19,350 enabled heart surgery for a child. Our 2017 donation of RMB 30,000 will also fund children's heart surgery.
Main contact: Karen Carrington, Executive Director: execdirector@h2hsh.net
General information: info@h2hsh.net